Milton Edge 16UB Razors win Bronze at OVA Provincial Cup in King City today!!
16U Boys Razors finish with a Bronze medal today competing in 16UB OVA Provincial Cup, Championship in King City!! Congratulations boys.
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OVA 13U Girls Provincial Cup Silver for Milton Edge 13UG Platinum today!!
13U Girls Milton Edge Platinum played at London Supreme courts today, in their first OVA tournament of the season - the OVA 13U Girls Provincial Cup tournament, Trillium. The 13U girls played a fierce day of matches, winning Silver!!
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15U Girls OVA Challenge Cup Silver today, for Milton Edge 15UG Iron Edge!!
Congratulations to Milton Edge 15U girls Iron Edge on their Silver Medal win at OVA 15UG Challenge Cup, Trillium White in Barrie today!!
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OVA 15UG Provincial Cup Silver today for Milton Edge!!
Congratulations to Milton Edge 15UG Platinum on their Silver Medal win in Kitchener at the OVA 15U Girls Provincial Cup, Championship Division today!!
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OVA 13UB Provincial Cup Gold today for Milton Edge!!
Milton Edge 13UB went into their OVA Championship A Tournament @ London Supreme Courts today, ranked 5th out of 9 teams. After a tough morning of pool play, they came back relentless, playing with full team trust, belief, intensity and focus, winning Gold!! Congrats to our 13U boys!
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